Saturday, 9 March 2013

Literature Essay Outline: Loneliness (student work)


·        Most common theme in this novel

·        It has the biggest effect on people

·        The time of the Great Depression

·        One of the reasons why the American Dream has not happened for any of them.


·        Only black man on ranch-“Cause I’m black they play cards in there, but I can’t play because I’m black.”

·        Crippled

·        No one comes to visit him- “I ain’t wanted in the bunk house and you ain’t wanted in my room.”

·        Marginalised

·        Has to take care of himself

·        Takes his medicines by himself


·        Worries George will leave him alone

·        Mentally weak

·        Dependent on George

·        Physically strong

·        Mentally weak

·        No one understands him and vice versa

·        Gets taken advantage of

·        Has no control over his power


·        Oldest man on the ranch

·        Also marginalised

·        A “mere swamper”

·        When he loses his dog, he loses a friend. “I had ‘im ever since he was a pup.”

Curley’s wife

·        Lives as Curley’s property-“I don’t like Curley. He ain’t a nice fella”

·        Looks for comfort

·        Gets no love from Curley- “I get awful lonely.”

·        Uses Curley as excuse for attention

·        Seductive to find love


·        Wasn’t lonely when Lennie was alive

·        Became lonely when he died

·        Started looking for comfort in a whore house

·        Didn’t really trust anyone

·        At the end of the novel


·        Evidence of popularity of the theme of loneliness

·        More successful characters (e.g. Slim, Curley, the boss)

ü Less lonely.

·        All characters are weak which contradicts loneliness

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